Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 30, 2023

Who is in charge of your data, and how can you contact us?

The data controller for this website ( and and for the digital products sold by Italiano Bello ( and others) is me, Irene Regini. My contact address is Ufficio Parma Sud Montebello, c.p. 554, 43123 Parma (PR), Italy (VAT number, Italian p. IVA: 02391470503, Italian tax code: RGNRNI93R53F205Q).

For the matter of personal data protection, I comply with the UE 679/2016 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), according to art. 3 of that same regulation.

For any doubt or clarification concerning this document (and for any other issue you should have), please contact me at

Whenever you visit my website, subscribe to my mailing list or purchase one of my digital courses, I need to collect and process some of your personal data. This document explains how and when these data are collected and processed, and what are your rights concerning these data.

What kind of data do I collect?

1. When you visit my website and pages:

When you visit my website or pages ( and, I collect some basic analytic data, like your IP address, your browser and operating system, some basic configuration and date and time of your visit. These data are collected automatically, by the web server and by mean of web beacons and tracking cookies.

Why do I collect these data?

When you visit my website or pages, I collect your data in order to know how my services are used, to improve them and to detect fraud and abuse, under the lawful basis of my legitimate interest to do so. These data are not used for marketing reasons or for individual user profiling.

You can always opt out from the collection of these data.

While you interact with my website or pages, some of your data might also be transferred to the partners we chose for the services they provide us:

  • Google, which I use for many different services, including Google Fonts (which provides the online fonts I use in the website), ReCaptcha (which blocks automated bots trying to abuse of our services) and YouTube (which I use to host videos and run advertising campaigns through its Google Pixel service). Google’s privacy policy is available at
  • Vimeo, the platform I use to host the videos in my courses (Vimeo’s privacy policy is available at
  • Facebook, which I might use to analyze the web traffic I receive and better target (or retarget) my online advertising, particularly through its Facebook Pixel service. The Facebook Pixel records analytics data each time a web page is accessed. Facebook’s privacy policy is available at You have the right to opt out from tracking and from the usage of your data for advertising targeting using the service at or
  • Spotify, which allows me to host my podcast though an hosting service called You can read’s privacy policy at

2. When you subscribe to my newsletter:

My email list is my favourite means of communication, sharing information and marketing. To manage my email list I use a software called Mautic. Let’s see in detail which information we collect, where we keep them, with whom I share them and how I use them.

When you subscribe to my email list (by downloading my free lessons or from the dedicated page), I ask you to tell me your first name and your email address.

When you subscribe to my newsletter, I send you the specific free products you asked for (lessons, PDFs, etc.), and, on a regular basis, I might send you free materials, informative emails, promotions and offers for relevant products and services.

Your data is collected under the lawful basis of your free consent, which you can withdraw at any time by unsubscribing from the email list (you find the link to unsubscribe in the footer of all of my emails).

I keep a monthly backup of the mailing list in the form of an Excel file, which I keep in a safe place and don’t share with anyone.

When you open and view my emails, I also collect some basic analytic data, like your IP address, your browser and operating system, some basic configuration and date and time of your visit. These data are collected automatically, by the web server and by mean of web beacons and tracking cookies.

I collect your data in order to know how my services are used, to improve them and to detect fraud and abuse, under the lawful basis of my legitimate interest to do so. These data are not used for marketing reasons or for individual user profiling.

3. When you purchase one of my digital products:

When you purchase one of my digital courses, I ask you to give me your name and surname, your email address and your physical address. If your invoicing address is in Italy, I also ask for your tax code (“codice fiscale”).

Thus, to say it in legal terms, the processing of your data is performed on the lawful basis of the execution of the implicit contract brought in existence by your purchase and of its precontractual measures you might have requested (for example, your request for information about our services or courses before purchasing them).

What do I need these data for? I need them in order to give you access to the digital product you purchased, and to send you an invoice or receipt.

When you subscribe to our courses, you need to register to a dedicated web platform. You need to remain registered to that platform (or to any other where I might want to transfer the course) to retain the ability to access the course.

You can ask to be canceled from the course platform, but you will lose the ability to see my courses; should this happen, you are not entitled to any reimbursement, unless you do that within the terms of the 100% Satisfied Guarantee.

Data from your credit card

In order to buy my digital products or services, you must insert the data from your credit card. Here is how I process those data.

For payments and checkouts, I use Stripe, a service provided by Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd.

Stripe (here is their privacy policy:, and here are other relevant legal documents: is the system I use to allow you to purchase my digital products or services by paying by your credit card.

In order to make a purchase, I ask you to write the data of your credit card on the checkout page (these data are the card number, its expiration date and the security code – the number written on the back).

I don’t have access to these data, and I don’t keep them on my server. These data are immediately sent to Stripe, which deals with the payment and keeps them – encrypted – on its servers. In the control panel of my Stripe account (that I can access to see the payment history and which I use to manage refunds), Stripe shows me only the four last numbers of your credit card number. That’s all the information I have access to concerning your credit card.

Besides the data which are encrypted on your credit card, Stripe knows your name, your surname and your email address, the kind of card you used – normal or prepaid – and its country of issue. Stripe has also access to some information concerning the purchase: day and time, amount, and order number on WooCommerce.

I am the only one who is able to access this information, along with Giovanni Mascellani, and we don’t share them with anybody or with any service other than those I mentioned above.

How can you delete this information? If you want to delete the information which is kept on Stripe, just write me an email at, and I will do this for you.

General information

Is it necessary that you give me your personal data?

Yes, you need to share with me your personal data (name and surname) and your contact data (email address), so that I can give you access to the digital product or service you required. Another reason I need these data is to comply with the fiscal and legal obligations required from Italian and European laws.

I won’t use your personal data for purposes different from those declared in this document and those who you decided to choose, freely, in the moment of your subscription or purchase.

On the other hand, it’s not necessary that you share your data for the purposes of marketing and advertising (Facebook pixel, retargeting, etc.).

While selecting the appropriate cases, you declare that you read this document and that you agree with me processing your data for the pertinent purposes. In other terms, by selecting the appropriate cases you give me your consent to the processing of your personal data, within the limits and for the purposes that are declared in this document.

Who can access your data, or who can I transmit your data to?


There are four persons who may be able to access these data:

  • Irene Regini, that’s me (the data controller);
  • Giovanni Mascellani, my husband, who helps me with technical aspects of the back office;
  • Sara Orfali (external data processor), my virtual assistant;
  • My accountant, to whom I send my invoices every three months.

No other person has access to this information, and all the four persons mentioned above will deal with your data according to this Privacy Policy and the most recent European data protection laws. I assure under my responsibility that they are aware of the principles of this document, and he cares about the privacy, security and secrecy of your data.

The processing of your data is always partially automated.

If you want to modify this information, the easiest thing you can do is write an email at, and I will do it for you.

How do we use your data?

We use the information we collect for various purposes, including:

Providing and maintaining our e-learning courses and services.

  • Processing payments and delivering purchased courses.
  • Sending you course-related communications, updates, and notifications.
  • Responding to your inquiries and providing customer support.
  • Analyzing and improving our courses, website, and user experience.
  • Complying with legal obligations.

How long do I keep your data?

Your personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary to continue delivering the services you asked for or the digital products you purchased. Once we don’t need to retain a specific piece of data anymore (for example, because the service you requested has ended or because you explicitly requested to recede from the service or course), we delete it.

Please note, though, that we have the legal requirement to retain some data for a longer time. For example, we need to retain payment and invoicing data for as long as the law requires us to.

How do we ensure the security of your data?

We strive to keep your data as secure and safe as possible, adopting technological solutions like state-of-the-art cryptography (to protect your data while they are transferred to us), appropriate authentication processes (to prevent other people to access your data that we keep) and up-to-date software packages (to reduce the probability that our computers are hacked).

In the case an unauthorized access to your data should happen on our computers or servers (for example as the result of a computer attack), we will promptly inform you about the event and the extent to which your data were accessed.

Transferring your data outside of the European Union

We do not directly transfer your data outside of the European Union: in particular, our websites are hosted in the European Union. However, some of our partners (those mentioned above in this document) might be based outside of the European Union or otherwise transfer the data outside of the European Union.

Your rights

According to the European Union’s General Data Privacy Regulation, you have the following rights:

· Right to be informed. This privacy policy explains how we process your personal data and what are your rights. Please contact us if you still have questions about it.

· Right of access and to data portability. You can request a copy of all of your personal data we have, for any reason (such as to understand how and why we use your data, and to reuse them in different services).

· Right to rectification. You have the right to ask me to rectify your personal data in case they are incorrect and integrate them in case they are not complete (for instance, in case you should change your email address). I encourage you to inform me as soon as possible of every change in your personal data, so that I can offer you our services as efficiently as possible.

· Right to erasure. You have the right to ask me to erase your personal data, as soon as they are not necessary any more for the purposes for which I collected it, or at any moment for data that was collected on the lawful basis of your consent. This right is restricted in some cases, for example when we are required to keep them because of legal obligations, but we are still bound to process them only in connection to such obligations. Also, while your personal data is immediately put beyond use, some copies of them might survive in our backup systems for at most an year after your request.

· Right to object and to restrict processing. You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data or to object to how we use it. In particular, you have the right to withdraw your consent when this is the lawful basis for collecting your data, and to request that your data are not used for direct marketing purposes.

· Right to appeal to a Data Protection Authority. Every country in the European Union has a Data Protection Authority, which you can address if you believe that your privacy rights are being violated. You can find the list of Data Privacy Authorities at the page

Further information

You can contact me at for any doubt, issue or clarification, or if you need further information.

This Privacy Policy might be updated in the future, as our services continue to evolve. Please check it out regularly or any time you need it.